Saturday, December 3, 2011

December 2011

We survivied Thanksgiving.  Barely. It was tough this year, because we all miss Pop.  The girls are looking forward to Christmas, and presents.
Today we are going to the Uxbridge Holiday Night parade and a stroll around downtown and to storytime at the library.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I have discovered coupons. Yes I know they have always been there, but I've never used them enough to make a difference. Let me tell you that couponing is a full time job. The ones that come in the sunday paper is just the beginning. Now if you "like" a product on FB, you can print them out also.
So far my best couponing is at CVS & Shaws.
This week shaws is having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free sale, and if you have coupons for that product the savings are huge. Unfortunately I will be taking my 2 kids with me, which is not very coupon productive, but I have already cut them out and I know ahead of time what I am buying. Hopfully I will not be in Shaws all night.
Then I am off to my daughters Softball Banquet.
Tomorrow I will post my savings!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

1st Blog

Ok, I have started a blog. Not sure who will read it. But here it goes.
February Vacation is upon us and not sure what we will be doing. Plus it is also my 2nd Anniversary on the 16th, hope I don't forget. I think my husband is up to something though because he has been rearranging the furniture for some reason. Lena knows what it is but will not tell me. I just think the tax refund is burning a hole in his pocket.